Engaging and Sharing

Focus on Sharing

We provide farm tours and open houses, off-site presentations, and welcoming others to the Farm who share these values.

Springboro Tree Farms

35 Acres

Nestled on the banks of the Tippecanoe River in White County

Making a Difference

In the Lives of Others

The monetary value of our products (honey, maple syrup, apples, cider, etc.) is donated support the programs of not-for-profits

Explore the Farm

Take a look around the farm through the seasons.

From time to time we'll post new articles in this section that go into a bit more detail on what we're learning and the decisions we're making. For example: why do we drive a blue tractor?


Our Mission

Living third, engaging, sharing and making a difference in the lives of others.

We enjoy sharing (and learning) with others about sugaring (maple syrup), beekeeping, apple orchard management and all manner of forestry interests...from maintaining a health woodland to pond management.